Organizational Readiness
. . . involves assessing an agency's potential to implement and maintain a sex recovery approach to working with women regarding their sexuality and intimate relationships. Sex recovery approaches supports helping women be healthy and sober in their sexuality.
Some organizational questions to consider might include the following:
- In general, what do you feel are the norms of your work culture regarding women, their sexuality, and treatment? What might be common statements, beliefs, or values of your work culture in this area? How is this understanding acquired? Directly -- agency mission statement, policies and guidelines, supervision (individual and/or peer review), training, etc. or indirectly – informal sidebar conversations. . .
- In general, what would you say are the cultural norms on sexuality as seen through the eyes of the client? How are the norms expressed verbally or nonverbally through the women served – informally (meals, breaks) or formally (individual and group sessions)?
- Are there specific circumstances where a client is more likely to be assessed for past sexual behaviors and history? And if so, please describe.
- Is sexual health recovery a standard part of the treatment process at your agency?
- While women are in treatment, what safe opportunities are provided for them to process and evaluate ways to make positive, healthy choices in their sexuality?
- What psycho-educational programs are offered? (E.g., body awareness and self-image, healthy relationships, management of trauma- and drug-linked triggers with sexuality, communication skills – assertiveness and negotiation.)
- What are ways in which administrators and staff have collaborated and implemented a code of ethics for sexual boundaries with clients?
- What readily accessible supervision, ongoing peer support system, and in-service training are currently being provided for staff to manage the emotional challenges inherent in working with clients on sexual recovery?
- Anything else you would like to consider with respect to your agency as it related to women served and sexual recovery?