Cultivating Healthy Body Awareness & Self-Care Activity
Adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse face multiple challenges learning to accept, love, and care for their body. A history of assaults against their young, fragile bodies can lead to desperate attempts to eliminate the emotional triggers and pain associated with these violations. Efforts to numb out the pain can be manifested through self-harm behaviors such as addictions, cutting, eating disorders, or neglect of physical and emotional health. Severe consequential problems both short and long term may result.
This exercise, Cultivating Healthy Body Awareness and Self-care is designed to introduce the survivor to an awareness of his or her self-care patterns of living. Building on strengths, the activity is an assessment tool that allows the client to identify his or her strengths in taking care of his or her body and health.
Instructions: Please place an X on the choice that applies most closely to you:
I value and like my body.
Not at All3
Very MuchI nurture my body with kindness.
Not at All3
RegularlyI nurture myself by
I am aware when my body is out of balance spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Not at All3
RegularlyI know I am out of balance when
What most gets in the way of my taking care of my body is
What I plan to do differently to take care of my body is
Other comments:
Check off which areas apply to you:
❍ I structure time daily to relax, i.e., listen to music, meditate, do yoga or breathing exercises.
❍ I eat healthfully on a regular basis, i.e., fruits, vegetables, and minimize sugar and processed foods.
❍ I like to move my body by, i.e., dancing, hiking, swimming, biking, martial arts, skateboarding.
❍ I feel comfortable talking with my doctor about my health concerns.
❍ I have an annual physical exam which includes age-appropriate preventive screenings, i.e., STD’s, cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes screening, (women) mammogram, pap smear, (men) testicular self-exam, prostate screening (50+)
❍ I have friends I can talk to when I am feeling stressed.
Of the items listed, please circle those listed that you have accomplished in the last six months.
There may be other ways that you take care of your body, such as:
View Blog Tough Challenges Facing Survivors of Sexual Assault